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City of Baraboo

101 South Blvd., Baraboo, WI, 53913, US



The City of Baraboo recognizes the financial impact the Novel COVID-19 pandemic has had on local businesses. Many of our local businesses have been forced to close or reduce their normal operations due to the Emergency Order issued by the State of Wisconsin. In order to assist businesses, like yours, the City has created a new Emergency Assistance Fund - Small Business Loan Program.

The Program was created to offer short-term loans to for-profit busineses located in the City to meet their financial obligations, to retain their employees and to help stabilize the local economy. Loans will be awarded on a first-come, first-served basis to all eligible businesses. There is no application fee.

Please read the City of Baraboo Guidelines of The Emergency Assistance Fund - Small Business Loan Program before completing the application. Please use link below:

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